The serpent was more crafty [shrewd] than any beast of the field (Genesis 3:1)
We may mistakenly believe that we get to decide what our families do and don't do. However, God is the architect of the family. When we choose to bypass His principles, we set ourselves up for failure. Adam and Eve discovered this in a very painful way. They knew what God had commanded them to do. Yet they made a choice to do the opposite.
By yielding to Satan's wicked scheme, they lost everything—their home, the opportunity for a safe family environment, and, most importantly, the loving fellowship they once had with God. Suddenly, they felt emotions that they did not know existed—guilt, fear and isolation.
Under no circumstances is sin acceptable. For example, adultery is always wrong. Yet often, what we see portrayed in our society is the opposite of this. Why? The Enemy wants to trick us into believing that sin is just a normal part of life, and God is the one who is out of touch with reality.
The family is under Satan's full attack today. In fact, from that moment in the garden of Eden, the Enemy has been seeking to destroy what God created because he knows it is the very best and will lead to eternal joy and fulfillment.
If you have fallen prey to his attack, ask the Lord to forgive you. Turn back to God's principles, love your spouse and joy will return to your heart.
Think about it; Satan must destroy the family in order for his plan to work.
Still Hungry? 2 Corinthians 11:3; Revelation 12:9
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