Breaking Boundaries is a non-profit organization, operated by a multicultural, multi-generational group. It started in 2010, as an outreach to both adults and youth against drug & alcohol abuse, prostitution, and the high rate of suicide within our communities. Our Vision at Breaking Boundaries: expresses the spirit behind the communities, where souls are nourished with the true word of God

Monday, 17 December 2012

Woman - Day 6

The position of the woman is that of a helper. Genesis 2:18
A helper is someone who assist another fellow to accomplish a task. God gave the man the task to manage the earth and to multiply in it. The duty of every woman is to help the man to accomplish the God given task.  Not the man’s own task but the God given task. Women with visions that cannot be submitted under their husbands will always find it difficult to survive in marriage.

Jesus said to Paul while he was stroke by lightening on his way to Damascus in act 9:5 that It’s hard to kick against the goads. Meaning it’s impossible to undo God’s agenda regarding any issue. Any woman who believes she is too important to submit to the husband will remain unmarried or will crash out of marriage in no time. Because she is kicking against the goads.  No man can win over God’s word, to kick against the goads is to try to fight against God’ word.

In every field of expertise there is always a helper. The doctor has nurses who help them administer drugs to their patients. They watch over their health conditions and report back to the doctor if they suspect something unusual.
They will be consequences on the action of any nurse who try to take the position of a doctor in the health case of any patient if anything goes wrong with that patient.

For the fact that a nurse wears a white robe with the doctors doesn’t make him or her a doctor. For the fact that a woman is industrious, spiritual and successful doesn’t make her the head of her husband and home.

Put a lawyer in the hospital to look after a sick patient and you will have corpses all over that hospital in no time. Same applies if you put a doctor in the court room to be legal councilor and you will have criminals and murderers roaming the street freely after committing atrocities.   
 The misplacement of duties and placement in marriage has succeeded in taking the rate of divorce in our present society to an unspeakable height.


One duty of the woman is submission to the man. Ephesians 5:22-24
God made it very clear here that just as the Church is subjected to Chris who is the head of the church and the savior of the body so let the wives be so to their husbands. There’s no such thing as a man’s and woman’s equality in marriage.
God is not an author of Confusion; He knew that there will be conflict of interest if He makes them equal that is why he placed one in the position of leading and the other helper so they can both accomplish His purpose here on earth.
The world’s philosophy of a man and a woman been equal in marriage has destroyed the institution of the beautify gift of marriage given to us by God.

Scripture references: Ephesians 5:22-29, Genesis 2:16-25,
Deuteronomy 7:1-4; 2 Corinthians 6:14, John 2:1-11, Genesis 1:27
Matthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 7:1-16            

Friends lets rise up to the occasion and stand for the institution of marriage in our community, family and nation as we constantly intercede for marriages.


Food for thought: It is only after God created WOMAN that He (man) could rest

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