Breaking Boundaries is a non-profit organization, operated by a multicultural, multi-generational group. It started in 2010, as an outreach to both adults and youth against drug & alcohol abuse, prostitution, and the high rate of suicide within our communities. Our Vision at Breaking Boundaries: expresses the spirit behind the communities, where souls are nourished with the true word of God

Tuesday, 22 March 2016


Man’ design according to God is so complex that he cannot truly function and maximize his potentials without a help of some sort from a particular power /force other - wise known according to scripture as the “HELPER”.
In the case of the Christian man; this Helper is known as the Holy Spirit, (The very Spirit of God), and for the man as it relates to the institution of marriage, the “WOMAN”.
The Helper in the life of any man is more powerful than most of us could fully comprehend. While God gave man influence over the works of His hands, He gave the Helper influence over the man. 
It’s true God made man in His image, (with His ability to carry out His mandate here on earth), but man will always fail to accomplish this task without the help of the Helper. 
It’s true a man is the head of the family, but he will always fall short of being a good leader of the family without the cooperative help of the woman in the family. 
The big question to be considered right now especially within our present society with the issue of so many failed marriages is; How can a helper render the right help?
In answering this question we need to pay close attention to the following points.
1. You not can successfully help a man by exporting ideas and 
solutions from sources outside the confines of the very source and essence of his being (God): No matter how talented and blessed a helper we are. We would lose our ability given to us by God to enable us influence and help the men God has placed in our lives as women if we try to render help to them using elements from sources outside God’s bank of resources.
When Jesus spoke to His disciples in regards to the Helper, He was sending to them before He went to the cross. He made one thing very clear to them about the Him. 
And that is; He will bring them help from the very sources of God. 
The same source they are made of, the very source He taught them from.
Two things were emphatically cleared about the Helper by Jesus.
• The Helper will not speak on His own authority 
• He will take what is mine (Jesus’, God’) and declare it to them
As powerful as the Holy Spirits was and still is. He has and will never minister to God’ people from His own authority. This is the reason why the very word of God is His perimeters when dealing with God’s Children.
As a woman when you begin to export ideas and opinions from elements and systems on your own authority and that are directly outside the very sources of God in your capacity as an helper to help a man, you’ re doing him a great harm than good. 
It’s just a matter of time and he will react especially if his bent on fulfilling his God given mandate. No matter how out of shape he might look. 
The element in God’s kit for help is more than able to fix him.
2. In helping a man the next place to start from is the place of understanding that he is where he’s from, what is his mission to earth: If this is true, of which it is. The idea of putting all men in one box when seeking for ways to help your man might bring a relief to him as opposed to the help he needs. Although all men are made in God’s image, but their lives’ purposes are different. You cannot help a man you do not understand. You cannot help a man who lacks self identity. You cannot help a man while re despising what he stands for.
One very difficult thing to do when trying to help a man is to try and help him without understanding who he is, what his life purpose is
It’s suicidal to influence a man to follow your own fantasies at the expenses of his purpose. If you do not like his life purpose and feel you cannot be part of such, the best thing to do for him is to excuse yourself from him. Do not try to persuade him to abandon his destiny because you do not feel alright about it. If you love him, you will have to love his life purpose no matter how insignificant it is, otherwise stay away from him.
Two things would eventually happen to men who lives outside their destinies; it’s either they die as successful failures courtesy of you or they do everything within their power to get rid of you once they come to their senses.
As I conclude on this article of the Man and His Helper. Be aware that there is not one man on earth today without a purpose. And as a man going through this, be aware that there is a helper who would gladly apply herself to helping you fulfill your life purpose, no matter how insignificant it might look to you. And also remember, there is no inferior purpose, only short sighted people. 
You are only equal to your man within your relationship as a woman according to the proportion of your ability to render help to him from God’s own resources of his life while allowing him the honor to go after His life purpose. As a woman, you are not inferior to the man in your relationship because you are called a helper. You have the same job description as the most powerful Person on earth and that is the Holy Spirit. This makes you as powerful as the Holy Spirit Himself within the confines of your marriage. Just like the Holy Spirit, make full proof of your power by using it rightly.
God bless you!

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