Breaking Boundaries is a non-profit organization, operated by a multicultural, multi-generational group. It started in 2010, as an outreach to both adults and youth against drug & alcohol abuse, prostitution, and the high rate of suicide within our communities. Our Vision at Breaking Boundaries: expresses the spirit behind the communities, where souls are nourished with the true word of God

Friday, 13 November 2015

The Place of Wisdom

But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Job 28:12

Dear friends,
Although wisdom is so essential, and appears to be easy to access, yet not everyone have it.

The emphasis laid on its importance in proverb 4:7 shows how deadly it is to live without it.

Job's discourse on wisdom in chapter twenty eight of the book of Job is so interesting for one not to pay attention to it.
Many of us have our own ideas as to what wisdom is.
Some of us are of the opinion that wisdom is a function of old age. Others believe it’s something one can acquire with money, or from college/ varsity.
But the scripture defines wisdom as the fear of the Lord.

This simple definition of wisdom makes  it ok to say; "The height of a man' wisdom is measured by the level of his / her fear ( reverence) for the Lord.

As I pay attention to Job's discourse on wisdom I realise the following: 
1. Wisdom doesn't come cheap. Just like other precious stones, it needs to be searched for. And only one person knows its where about. And that Person is God. Proverb 28:23.
2. Wisdom cannot be gotten outside of God. James 1:5.
3. God is both the author and custodian of wisdom. And to have it, we need to ask of it from Him.
4 . Wisdom doesn't discriminate. It has no regard for gender or age. It’s not moved by the physical status of a man. This reality explains while one can be a rich fool, a foolish male or female. An unwise old or young man
5. Wisdom answers to anyone who fears the Lord.
There is a spirit of wisdom and it comes from the Lord. One way to know it’s from the Lord is; it causes the possessor of it to reverence the Lord in all they do.

..... I am young in years, and you are very old; therefore I was afraid, and dared not declare my opinion to you.

I said, age should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom. But there is a spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding. Great men are not always wise, nor do the aged always understand justice. Job 32:6-9

Friends, the only qualification required  to walk in wisdom is the fear of the Lord. We cannot grow any deeper in wisdom than the depth of our reverence for God.
To ask the Lord for wisdom is to ask Him to increase our reverence for Him.

May you grow in wisdom as today in Jesus name? Amen!

God bless you!

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