Breaking Boundaries is a non-profit organization, operated by a multicultural, multi-generational group. It started in 2010, as an outreach to both adults and youth against drug & alcohol abuse, prostitution, and the high rate of suicide within our communities. Our Vision at Breaking Boundaries: expresses the spirit behind the communities, where souls are nourished with the true word of God

Monday 26 October 2015

God's Own Labourers

For the kingdom of heaven is like a land owner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vine yard. Matthew 20:1

What an awesome thing to know that  as Christians, we are God' own labourers. We all may not have been called to labour under the fivefold ministries of the body, but certainly are co labourers in Christ.

As doctors, lawyers mechanics, business men and women, road side vendors we have all been called to labour with Christ for the advancement of the kingdom of God here on earth.
it’s of great importance we begin to start seeking God in regards to this truth.

As someone running a small business who is a Christian you need to learn how to join yourself with God's scheme of things. Get into His vine yard. Do not wait to be called into the fivefold ministry before you start labouring with God.

Ephesians 2:10 said we are His workmanship. Note that this scripture didn't say they are (the preachers, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist and Pastors). It said we are, which is inclusive of you working at that law firm, government or private hospital, you running that crèche or business. It’s time to get into a partnership with God in labour. This is His will for us all as His children.

As you go through this, this morning make up your mind to labour with God.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I come to you today as a (Mention the name of your occupation) and I ask that You show me specifically how to join with You in labouring for the advancement of God' kingdom here on earth. This I ask for in Jesus mighty name. Amen!

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