Breaking Boundaries is a non-profit organization, operated by a multicultural, multi-generational group. It started in 2010, as an outreach to both adults and youth against drug & alcohol abuse, prostitution, and the high rate of suicide within our communities. Our Vision at Breaking Boundaries: expresses the spirit behind the communities, where souls are nourished with the true word of God

Saturday 16 March 2013

Not From Men

Paul received his calling and title as an apostle, not from or through man, but by Jesus Christ. The same is true for each of us. Regardless of who you are and how you feel about yourself, God has given you a gift and a calling.

Galatians 1:1
Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead) ... 

Our natural tendency is to look to men for affirmation of our value and to trust in what they can do for us. But it's important to realize that man cannot give you a gift or a call. That may be a bit disconcerting, but take comfort in the fact that in the same way that man cannot give you a calling, no man, regardless of how powerful or influential, can ever take away the calling God has given you.

The God who calls and gifts us is the same God who raised Christ from the dead. Nothing is too hard for him, and that includes opening the right doors for us at the right time. He will give us the ability to do whatever it is he has called us to do. Cling to this truth when it seems you are not appreciated, or when doors are slammed shut in your face. God has called you; God has gifted you. And he will indeed open doors for you in his time and way as you patiently do what he has called you to do.
Still Hungry? Ephesians 1:1 – 1 Corinthians 1:1- Acts 20:24

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