are at pains to point out that fear is different from anxiety. Fear has a
specific object, whereas anxiety is a vague unspecified apprehension
I wonder, is your biggest fear? According to Social Science, there are two
forms of fear, the fear of death and the fear of life. The fear of life is the
fear of having to live as an isolated individual. The fear of death is the fear
of losing individuality. Between these two fear possibilities, these poles of
fear, the individual is thrown back and forth all his life.
first fear- the fear of life- is vividly illustrated by a small boy’s comment:
“I suppose the reason for twins is because little children don’t like to come
in to the world alone”. The fear of life makes many retreat into illness. It is a refuge from
responsibility. Freud found the cause of neurosis in the past.
with many, it is the fear of death that paralyzes them. The scripture reads, in
speaking of Jesus, that He is able to “free those who held in slavery all their
lives by the fear of death” (Heb 2:15). Is it necessary to live such servitude?
Of course not. When Christ has all of you, then fear can have no part of you.
It is that simple!
God I am so thankful that You have made it possible for me not to be enslaved
by fear. I can be free, graciously free, now. Touch me in my deepest parts and
set me free from all and every fear, in the name of Jesus!!
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