Breaking Boundaries is a non-profit organization, operated by a multicultural, multi-generational group. It started in 2010, as an outreach to both adults and youth against drug & alcohol abuse, prostitution, and the high rate of suicide within our communities. Our Vision at Breaking Boundaries: expresses the spirit behind the communities, where souls are nourished with the true word of God

Thursday, 31 January 2013

God Wants Your Heart

The Only Thing You Have that God Wants.

“He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for My sake shall find it.” - Matthew 10:39
We have nothing that God needs. Think about that. If I were to give God my riches, I couldn’t make Him richer. He owns everything. If I were to give God my wisdom, I wouldn’t make Him wiser. He is the all-wise God. He is omniscient. If I were to give God my power, I couldn’t make God more powerful. He is omnipotent.

God wants only one thing from His children—our hearts. If we pray to God without giving Him our heart, we are mocking Him. If we preach without giving God our hearts, we are preaching in ignorance.
God is saying to you today, “Give Me your heart.” How will you respond?

Psalm 62:8- Psalm 119:9-16

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

The Permanent Guest

He will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever.....the Spirit of truth- John 14:16-17

One of the lessons Jesus gave His disciples when preparing them to receive the Holy Spirit’s coming would not be a temporary visitation- He would abide in them forever. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit provided temporary supplies of power to individual people for certain tasks. When these purposes were accomplished, He returned to heaven.

The disciples were no doubt aware of this aspect of the Spirit’s ministry, but now Jesus gives them the breathtaking news that the Holy Spirit’s coming would be permanent. ”He will abide in you and be with you forever”  What a revelation this must have been for the disciples. The occasional would give way to the permanent; the special it would give way to the general. Jesus was saying, in effect, that the Holy Spirit would move in the inner recess f their beings and abide with them forever.

This is probably one of the most important truths we can grasp from the scripture, for there are many Christians who think of the possession of the Holy Spirit as tentative and momentary. However that would defeat the very point and purpose of redemption, for as someone said; “the Holy Spirit is the applied point of redemption”. His coming into our lives must be permanent, or our redemption (at least it’s application) will be temporary. The Holy Ghost becomes a Holy Guest! Thank God a permanent guest!!!

Still hungry? 1 John 3:24

Monday, 28 January 2013

Good Advice for a Boss

Good Advice for a Boss
"And masters, treat your servants considerately. Be fair with them. Don't forget for a minute that you, too, serve a Master - God in heaven." - Colossians 4:1

God has high expectations for those in leadership roles. He demands that you treat your workers with "justice and fairness." Obviously, this scripture is referring to masters and slaves. While the concept of slavery is abhorrent to us today, God's idea of fairness in leadership is good. Here are a few ideas of how you can manage others in a way that helps you meet those expectations.
  • Be sure your employees clearly understand your mission. They can't contribute to reaching your goal if they don't know where you are headed.
  • The employee needs to be very clear on their responsibilities and expectations and how their role fits into the overall mission.
  • Empower your employees so that they can actually accomplish the mission you have given them. Remember this formula: Responsibility = Authority. You are responsible for everything over which you have authority; likewise, you must have authority over everything for which you are responsible, while answering to your supervisor.
  • If an employee is failing, make sure you have provided all the tools necessary to succeed.
  • Hold them accountable, but focus that accountability on results rather than procedure. Focus on the goal, not the minutia.
  • Publicly affirm your employees when they do things right (this is very important); privately reprimand when they have fallen short. Be honest in your healthy evaluation, which helps employees be honest in self-evaluation. This way, the employees always know where they stand and how they are doing.
  • Be sure those under you know that you care more about their success than your own.

Now, those are very basic things, but they can enhance the sense of justice and fairness in the workplace and will motivate your employees to help you all reach important goals. Most of all, remember we have to answer to God for how we lead those entrusted to us. (By the way, Jesus is the greatest example of this through servant leadership.)

Still hungry? Leviticus 25:43

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Spiritually Coordinated

You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.....John 8:32

It may be difficult to admit that your heart and your head are not spiritually coordinated. Many Christians are content to live above the waterline and insist that it is quite unnecessary to wrestle. And struggle with the things that go deep inside us. Their motto is: just trust, persevere and obey. This is fine as far as it goes, but in my humble opinion it does not far enough

The effect of this teaching is to blunt the painful reality of what the Bible says about the condition of the heart; “the heart is more deceitful than anything else and desperately wicked- who can understand it? I, the Lord, examine the mind” (Jeremiah 17:9-10). It is possible for even mature Christians to be self-deceived, to not really know their own hearts. This is why we must live in constant dependence on God, inviting Him from time to time.

There is a word to describe the attitude of those who ignore what may be going on deep inside them and concentrate only on what they can see above the waterline. And that word is denial. In many Christian circles, maintaining a comfortable distance from what may be going on deep down inside is strongly encouraged. But nothing can be gained from denial. In fact, I would say it is one of the major reasons why our feet are not like “hinds feet” and why we slip and slide on the slopes that lead upward to a deeper understanding and knowledge of God

Saturday, 26 January 2013

It's all in Faith!!

You are not saved by Faith and works, you are saved by Faith that works
The object of Faith is God- Know Him
The origin of Faith is the word – Hear Him
The objective of Faith is will of God- Yield to it
Faith is heavens way of getting God’s will done on earth
The Operation of Faith is to obey God!!!!

Friday, 25 January 2013

Who is Jesus? Talking to a Fish

Imagine you wanted to talk to a fish in the pond- you couldn’t. The only way to do it would be to become a fish. It is the same with God and us, in His massiveness is easily misunderstood. So He took the ultimate step in making Himself known in the clearest way. He became a man. Jesus is God’s way of saying; “look at my Son and then you will see Me”
God knows our heart. Jesus saw through religious acts to the sin deep in their hearts. God is wise. Jesus dealt so cleverly with the trap they set for Him. God is gentle, we see this in how Jesus dealt with the broken woman (John 8: 1-11).  God is forgiving. Jesus did not condemn the woman – even though she was wrong. God is morally pure. Jesus told her to sin no more. We see God in the life if Jesus. 

In the past God spoke through prophets, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, through whom he made the universe. The son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being (Hebrews 1:3)

Still hungry? Matthew 16:13-18

Thursday, 24 January 2013

The Caged Lion

Many years ago I worked for the SABC and in the Game Park. A guy was stranded one night. He heard a lion roar and spent the night in a tree terrified, only to find out the next day that the lion was caged all along. He had nothing to fear.

This is a picture on spiritual warfare, in some ways life gets tougher when you follow Jesus. We have a new enemy, Satan. When we become Christians we become soldiers in a war. But we don’t fight in our own strength, and if we trust Jesus we have nothing to fear.

The enemy is like a roaring lion looking to devour you. But if you are in Christ, then he is in a cage. Jesus has all authority over him and has given us that same authority. Satan will not harm you, unless you enter the cage.

How do we resist the devil and stay out of his cage? Be humble, trusting, self-controlled and spiritually alert. When we give in to pride, unbelief, temptation and spiritual laziness, we lose our spiritual protection. Stand firm in your faith. The main battlefield is our minds. Satan will try to get us to believe his lies, so we must stand in faith on the truth of the bible. Stay in community. Satan preys on the isolated ones. Together, we can watch one another’s back. Also we must repent of all occultic practices like; witchcraft, sorcery, talking to the dead, visiting psychics, tarot card reading, “glassy-glassy” and others. Lastly, be sure that God will overcome Satan’s efforts to harm you. So be aware of the devil, but be in awe of God

Still hungry? Matthew 4:1-11 7 Ephesians 6:10-18

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

The Holy Spirit

H2 can be made up of Water, Gas, Ice and yet be the same substance. In the same way, God reveals himself to us in three ways. Father, Son and Holy Spirit (see Matthew 28:19). There’s only one God, not three. Mysteriously, he is all three at the same time. Let look at the Holy Spirit. The Spirit comes to live in us when we became Christians. A sailing boat needs wind or else it will not move. The Holy Spirit is the wind in the sails of each Christian life.

Who is the Holy Spirit? is called “Counsellor” which means comforter, strengtheners. He is Jesus’ replacement. Jesus could only be in one place at a time, but through the Holy Spirit, he can be with millions of people at the same time. That is why it is good that Jesus went back to heaven

He can convince non-Christ followers to turn from their sins to God. He helps us understand the truths in the bible. He communicates the will of God to us. He leads us to worship and glorify Jesus. He allows us to experience God’s wonderful grace. That is why knowing and obeying God is impossible without the Holy Spirit! Thank God for this wonderful friend and gift.
Still Hungry? Ezekiel 37:1-10 gives a powerful picture of the enlivening effect that the Spirit has on believer

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Never Abandoned by GOd

Did you notice that it was the Lord himself who fellowshipped with Paul during this time? We too can count on God to be near us - even when all human fellowship dwindles away:
God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son ... is faithful." 1 Corinthians. 1:9

Paul's lonely times became cherished opportunities for him to experience intimate fellowship with Christ. He said,
"I want to know Christ...
and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, Philippians. 3:10,11

A word of caution: It is very easy for us to be too reliant on others. Without realizing it, these dependencies take precedence over our fellowship with God. As a result our relationship with him remains weak, and our spiritual maturity is hindered. That is why God sometimes draws us into lonely places where he can fellowship with us, and build our faith.

On this side of eternity, none of us will experience the ideal fellowship, no matter how hard we try to make it happen. We must wait patiently for the great day when God will bring all believers together in heaven. In heaven our fellowship with God and one another will be perfect and glorious. No predators will be there!

Monday, 21 January 2013

Scattered, Persecuted, Deserted

It wasn't long before the early church faced threats to their fellowship. They were assaulted both from within and from without. Even when they were scattered by persecution, the Christians connected with remote churches through letters and occasional visits. Even in the midst of danger, they never forsook their brothers: "You stood side by side with [those who were publicly exposed to insult and persecution]. You sympathized with those in prison..."Hebrews.10:33 Now, that is true fellowship!

Sometimes assaults come to believers from unexpected sources - like in King David's shocking experience with betrayal:
“But it is you... my close friend, with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship, as we walked with the throng in the house of God.” Ps. 55:14
Jesus predicted that type of painful desertion:
"...there will be five in one family divided against each other,
three against two and two against three.
Luke 12:52

Paul sensed that the Galatian church had distanced themselves from him. He wrote, "Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?" Galatians. 4:16 The church had pulled their affection away from Paul, no doubt because they didn't like him pointing out their sins (legalism). Before that time, they had enjoyed sweet fellowship with Paul. In fact, they had loved him so much that they were willing to do anything for him - even donate their own eyes.

At one crucial point in Paul's life, he was totally abandoned. It was a time when "lions" were opposing him. He said,
" one came to my support, but everyone deserted me....The Lord stood by my side and gave me strength...and I was delivered from the lion's mouth." 2 Timothy. 4:16

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Where Two or Three are Gathered

In our day of glitzy mega-gatherings we need to remember the words of Jesus:
"Where two or three come together in my name,
there I am with them."
Matthew. 18:20
Some of the most cherished opportunities for fellowship develops in the smallest unit - two or three connecting together. In this tiny gathering, relationship can be nurtured, trust and confidentiality can grow. It is where one realizes that they count because someone has said to them, "I care enough about you to focus my undivided attention on you. I want to listen to you."

In this small unit, the participants can dialogue back and forth, unhindered by interruptions or planned programs, having no fear of embarrassment or shame. Here is where one can receive a cup of water in Christ's name. One can be spurred on towards maturity. Two or three can wrestle together with the issues of life and the truths of God.
We must never underestimate the value of the smallest units of fellowship - in the family, in the neighborhood, at the kitchen sink, on the phone, or any other venue of one-on-one connection. 

The bigger Body is built on the strength of its smallest units. This brings strength and unity ultimately to the world-wide universal Church of Christ.
Jesus didn't give any formulas for fellowship. He didn't specify days, times, locations, buildings, or programs. However, he did tell us to be "shrewd as serpents" Matthew. 10:16, He told us to use whatever is available to build fellowship in order to build his kingdom ("in my name"). We must make the best of any God-given opportunity - whether that be in a religious setting or a secular setting, in homes or in workplaces, or somewhere else - being "shrewd" with our "worldly wealth" Luke 16:8 - including modern-day highspeed travel, telephones, the Internet, e-mail, or snail mail, or whatever. Regardless of the place or means, our mission remains the same as it was for the first Christians:

In Jesus day, most people could not read. Women were never taught to read. Books were not readily available. Today we have so much more that can enhance our fellowship with other believers, and also facilitate the spread of the gospel. It is our responsibility to be wise and "shrewd, and always "on our guard." Matthew. 10:17 because evil forces are trying to draw us away from Christ.

In our modern-day world of mobility and globalization, our connections are constantly shifting. We may relate with people for only for a season - and then they are gone. We may maintain a friendship and connect periodically over the years. Or we may only have a one-time fellowship with someone, yet important things happen in Jesus' name.
Amazing things can happen when we allow the Spirit to bring us into connection with others - like when Philip, the evangelist was supernaturally taken to the Ethiopian eunuch. We too can trust God' Spirit to arrange connections that serve his purposes. Here is a unique example:
One day I felt burdened to pray for someone named Christine. I had no idea who this was. I knew no Christine’s. But I found myself suddenly crying out to God to rescue her from the clutches of the enemy. Several weeks later I found out who she was, though I never met her in person. I learned that she had been at the brink of making a disastrous decision and then changed her mind - no doubt through Spirit-led prayer.

The brand new church at Pentecost was birthed by the Spirit, and its fellowship was strengthened by Spirit. The believers cherished each other. They shared their possessions so that no one lacked anything. They became loyal to each other. They connected wherever and whenever they could - like the temple court, or in their homes where they met daily:
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching
and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."
Acts 2: 40-42

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Signs of Broken Fellowship

Perhaps people do not disconnect themselves physically from the others, but their relationships remains superficial. There are many possible reasons for that.
Some people may seem to be faithful to their church family, and on the surface everything looks fine. However, if our ears are very sensitive, we may hear them confide that they don't feel loved; they feel alone or isolated. They feel that no one listens to them. They may complain that church doesn't do anything for them, or is boring. They feel starved. They may or may not eventually go somewhere else to find "food" and acceptance. In this family the vital ingredients of fellowship are missing, and that means that the church is vulnerable to predators.

Hypocrisy is a symptom of broken fellowship with God and with each other. Hypocrites believe that their church loyalties are satisfactory to God. They become proud and lose sensitivity to each other. They disconnect themselves from the "sinners". Gossip and criticism are some of the many ways that hypocrites break fellowship. They can't see their sin, and don't realize how much it weakens the fellowship. It is like stabbing your own toe.

Many churches these days want to be tolerant and accepting of everyone, and so they end up inviting the lions right into the fellowship. But lions are not the same as needy, straying sheep. They believe that they are enlightened by God, and use their influence to pull others towards themselves. They justify their sin and convince others that it is okay. After a while the sin feels right. The people become proud because they are so "enlightened" and "open minded". But they don't realize that by being cozy with lions, they have made their fellowship vulnerable and weak. 
Scripture has a word for them:
And you are proud! Shouldn't you rather have been filled with grief and have put out of your fellowship the man who did this? 1 Corinthians. 5:2

Leaders who are disconnected from God either desert the flock by neglecting it, or they quench the Spirit by lording over the members, stifling their spiritual development. They cannot discern the work of predators within their own hearts or within the rest of the Body.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Broken fellowship: too Many Missing Ingredients- Giving UP

Apparently the words, give up or forsake imply desertion, or abandoning the faith. The book of Hebrews contains other warnings to deserters - those who had tasted of God's blessings and received some of God's "seed".  They may even have expressed every intention of following Christ. However they decided not to persevere. They just couldn't trust God with their lives, and so they wouldn't commit their lives to him and to the fellowship of his family. Maybe they couldn't let go of their material securities, or their loyalties to family and friends. Maybe the cost was too high. Whatever the reason, they decided to fellowship with the world. The book of Hebrews warns them about serious consequences: "eternal judgment" Hebrews.10:27
Disconnected from the Head

In the TV show,(Blog 4 days ago) when the lion pounced on the elephant, it went directly for the central nerve in order to disconnect the body's vital connection with the head. Satan, through the use of his accomplices, also tries to disconnect the members of Christ's Body from the Head. If he succeeds, then he can easily disconnect the members from each other. When their faith is weakened, they are prone to go after distractions. They gradually disconnect themselves from each other, and so the vital ingredients of fellowship dwindle away.

Satan knows that if he were to make his presence obvious by growling loudly, God's people would band together and form a strong defense. So he uses cunning deceptive strategy to draw them apart. After that it isn't hard to take them down. That explains why his accomplices look and act like the sheep even though they are really wolves. People admire them and follow them, not realizing that they are being lured away from God. These deceivers are so cunning that they can't always be recognized right away - sometimes not until much later - when we see the fallout: broken fellowship in the Body of Christ.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Sever Fellowship with the World

We humans are designed for fellowship. That's why we crave connection with others. However, let us remember that gazelles don't fellowship with lions for a very good reason - they will get eaten. Likewise we cannot fellowship with our enemy.
"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common?
Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?

Breaking fellowship with the world doesn't mean we become hermits. It means that we break our close ties with the ways of the world. We stop living by its principles or relying on its methods. We stop agreeing with its values. We break our allegiance to it.

Fellowship with God
When we sever our fellowship with the world, then God will fellowship with us by calling us into a relationship with him - as our Father, our Saviour, and our Counselor (Father, Son, and Spirit).
As God has said:
“I will live with them and walk among them...,
{ie fellowship with them}
I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters.”
2 Corinthians. 6:14-18

"Our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son"
1 John 1:3
: "being united with Christ" Phiippiansl 2:24
"the fellowship of the Holy Spirit" 2 Corinthians 13:1.

When we fellowship with God, he is our Head, and our source of life. It is our connection with him that brings us into connection with other believers. However, genuine fellowship as God designed it to be, is not possible without genuine repentance - breaking fellowship with the world.
“If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness,
we lie and do not live by the truth.”
1 John 1:6

Three years ago I was praying for someone who was straying from God. I didn't know how to help that person, so I asked God for direction. His response surprised me. He said, "The best thing you can do for that person is to give yourself to me". Wow! I wasn't expecting that answer. Since then I have been learning that my personal fellowship with God is the best gift I can give anyone. It is the best way that I can "spur another on". The apostle Paul said something similar:
"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ,
if any comfort from his love,if any fellowship with the Spirit,
if any tenderness and compassion,then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.
" Philippians. 2:2

Fellowship with one other

In a fellowshipping family, the members protect each other - especially the young, the weak, and the vulnerable. They receive the returning prodigals. The needy can be assured of adequate provision, and be free from exploitation. The members laugh and weep with each other, and build trust. They "greet one another with a holy kiss" 2 Corinthians. 13: 12 (or a holy hug).

In the context of healthy fellowship, the members can grow and mature. They bring others into fellowship with God and each other. The members agree to support each other in God's work. Perhaps their agreement is expressed by extending the "right hand of fellowship... They agreed..." ...Galatians. 2:9

In God's household, the various leaders are very serious about their responsibility to guard the authority of the Word in the hearts of the people. They feed the sheep and make disciples. They are vigilant, and sensitive to the activities of predators. They look for the lost and straying sheep, ie: those who are not fellowshipping with God.
In God's household the members band together, persevere together, pray together, and watch out for each other. They reinforce their identity as a household belonging to God and set apart from the world.

When fellowship includes the proper ingredients, the Church of Christ grows stronger, more mature, and more unified. This is a strong defense against predators!!!!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

We have a Predator

"Your enemy the devil prows around like a roaring lion
seeking for someone to devour." 1 Pet. 5:8
This predator, Satan, is constantly trying to devour God's family. In nature, predators target the weak, the young, the straying, the sleeping, and the unalert. It is no different in the family of God. The vulnerable ones: the young, the weak, the straying, the sleeping (spiritually speaking), and the unalert are easy prey for the devil. That's one reason why fellowship is so vital - to protect one another from predators.

The ingredients of fellowship
To a large extent the preservation of the Church depends on a strong connection between its members. In fact God cautions people not to become disconnected: “Let us not give up meeting together." Heb. 10:24 I have often heard this phrase expressed this way:

“Forsake not the fellowship.

I like that word, "fellowship", and I think it fits. The word, "fellowship" has a much richer meaning than the word “assemble” or “meet”. Fellowship involves close community, participatory relationships, common sharing, unity, agreement, and being closely knit. There are many scripture verses that describe the various ingredients of fellowship. Romans Twelve lists some; ex: prophesying, serving, instructing, encouraging, contributing to the needs of others, leading, showing mercy, hospitality, empathizing, forgiving ...feeding the sheep... and there are many more in the Bible.
Healthy fellowship includes all these ingredients. They help to strengthen the flock of God's sheep and protect it from predators.

"Love always protects." 1 Cor. 13:7
The phrase "forsake not the fellowship" is extracted from the following verse. Notice the other components surrounding the phrase:

"Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
Let us not give up meeting together
(forsake not the assembling.... KJV)
as some are in the habit of doing,but let us encourage one another
- and all the more as we see the Day approaching."
Heb. 10:24

From this verse we see that assembling together had a very specific objective: to spur one another to love and good deeds, and to encourage one another to grow strong in the faith because there will some day be a Final Judgment.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

A Lesson from Nature

“Let us not give up meeting together... Heb. 10:24 NIV
...not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together... Heb. 10:24 KJV

In the wild, the survival of many animal species depends on their close connection with one another. This fact was vividly illustrated in a recent episode of the TV nature show, Be the Creature. Through skillful videography, I watched the amazing team work of animals on the hunt and also of animals being hunted.

I will never forget one horrifying scene where a pride of hungry lions captured a young elephant. Here's how they did it: A few of the lions distracted the mother elephant while the rest of them chased Junior off into the brush. As soon as the baby was alone and far enough away from its herd, the lions quickly brought it down by jumping on its neck and chewing into its spinal nerve. The unfortunate elephant was devoured in no time. It was a gruesome scene that I will never forget.

Those lions could never have overpowered the entire herd of elephants. Nor could any single lion have taken down the baby alone. Divide and conquer! That was the strategy of the lions. It was incredible team work!

On that same show I also watched a baby mongoose get caught in the jaws of a hungry lizard. It survived only because its family was very vigilant. In no time an army of hostile mongooses descended on that lizard which then quickly dropped its prey, setting the baby mongoose free.

For many animal species, continuous close connection with one another is essential - not only in order to get food, but also in order to keep from becoming food.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Amaze you!!!!

How do you respond when you get a tremendous blessing? W all want to be blessed. Do you accept with gratitude? Do you let blessing absorb you?

In the gospels, on Jesus’ instruction Peter let down his net in the water, and the blessing was so huge that the abundance of fish tore holed in Peter’s net.

His boat was close to capsizing. In Luke 5:8, it reads; when Simon Peter saw that, he fell down at Jesus’ feet, saying, “Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man! Peter saw beyond the blessing. Peter saw Jesus and recognized his own limitations and his need for the Savior

Jesus amazed Peter with the overload of fish because He wanted Peter to follow Him and get to know Him better. God wants to amaze you so that you can better understand who He is and love Him even more.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Walk of Faith

Job 8:7 (NIV) says: Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.

Job 8:7 (KJV) says: Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.

This brief, yet powerful scripture says to me exactly some of the things that we are going through. Right now, we are in pretty small or humble situations, but when we come out on the other end, and we maintain our faithfulness, we will receive our blessings.

Satan wants us to look at our situations as we see them NOW.... he wants us to get dragged down by things that we haven't accomplished yet, or things that we need to work on but are currently lacking the resources to do, relationships that aren't panning out the way we want them to, or what have you. When we start paying attention to things that depresses us. Focusing on the negative things like that distracts us from the blessings that God has already given us, the blessings that he continues to give us, and the blessings yet to come.

Remember, in His Word, God has promised never to leave us, nor forsake us. He has also sent the Holy Spirit as The Comforter, and he even has angels on stand-by, waiting to minister to our needs in the supernatural realm.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Be the Model

As mothers, our deepest desire for our children is that they grow up being successful but more importantly knowing God

Nothing in life, not a career, a nice home, success, or a loving family can steer them through the rocky waters of life like a personal relationship with God. Only a strong faith can give them the foundation they need to survive the rejection, failure and heartbreak that they, like all people, will most likely face.

Faith and hope is what they need to go forward even when things seem hopeless. It will give them confidence to know that God specially chose them. It will give them peace to know that God is always there to protect them. It will give them joy to know that God loves them. And it will also give them the self-control and they’ll need to say no to the temptations that will come their way.

No one can teach them better than you. No one will influence them quite the way you do. It’s a big responsibility, are you willing to take it on?

Thursday, 10 January 2013


3 Simple steps to achieve your needs
However, often the 2nd step, believe, can be the most difficult one
And yet it is the greatest step you will ever take
BELIEVING remains steadfast despite what is happening in the outside world
When you master BELIEVING you have mastered your life

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Grace- What a Price

"The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you." - 1 Corinthians 16:23

Paul normally closed his letters by saying, "Grace be with you." Now it's interesting that Paul used that particular phrase because he had been a most unlikely candidate for accepting the grace of God. 

Paul spent his "first" career terrorizing first century Christians. He literally persecuted the church and killed Christians. That was his mission. But Christ appeared to him, saved him, and forgave him. And Paul, perhaps more than anyone who has ever lived, was focused on the grace of Christ because he knew he didn't deserve to be chosen to be a child of God.  None of us do! None of us deserve to have the God of the universe go to a cross and pay that awful penalty for us, so that we might be forgiven and have eternal life.

Paul's salutation reminds us that a thriving ministry/church will focus on the grace of God that is found in what Jesus did for us on the cross. A healthy ministry/church will emphasize the grace of God, remembering the price Jesus paid in giving us something no one deserves—forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Tear Down the Wall

During World War 2 a group of scientists were constructing the atomic bomb. One of the mechanics dropped a spanner into the radioactive device. Knowing that this would cause the bomb to explode in seconds, one of the top scientists reached in and grabbed the spanner. He saved the lives of all, but lost his own life because of radiation exposure. It is a story that echoes the message of the cross, where Jesus died for our sins so we would not have to.

Isaiah 53: Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
 stricken by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions,  he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him
Jesus died a horrible, unfair death for all to see. But something unseen and far worse happened. He, the sinless one, experienced the punishment our sin deserved so that we could be forgiven. That’s why He felt abandoned by His Father. When He breathed His last breathe.

Long before Jesus came, the Jews built a temple. God lived in it, in the most Holy Place. No one could enter through the curtain except the high priest once a year. This reminded the people that their sin was serious and separated them from God. When Jesus died on the cross the veil was torn. This barrier between sinners (us) and God was destroyed by the sacrifice of Jesus! The door is now open for us to live closely with God, despite our past sins, which are now forgiven. What an amazing offer, freedom from guilt and a closer relationship with God. Of course this would only apply if your receive His blood bought forgiveness and walk through the open door, by putting our faith in Jesus and the cross!

Monday, 7 January 2013

Life- God's Story

Let your heart hurt.
Be honest. Expose your hurt. Denial has never turned out well for anyone.

Forgive often.
Others .…. and yourself. Chances are you’ve been deeply wounded by the errors of others in the place where a miracle is about to happen.

Believe the best of every circumstance.
It’s not crazy thinking to believe that God has good things for our life. Even the bad can be used for His good if we will believe…..afterall “God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise”

Release the desire for a different story.
What you’ve allowed [or will allow] God to do through your pain is the best story you will ever tell. Don’t minimize the power of God working through your circumstances, no matter what they may seem to you.
This is the day that God begins to turn your problem into a miracle. Hang onto God, watch with awe and wonder …. He will do it.

Undeniably this will be God’s story, but you my friend get to tell it. …. I and many others would love to hear it.