The breakthrough we have experienced
and still experiencing in the area of science and technology in the 21ist century has somehow left in our mind as a people, male and female alike, something I would want to deliberately call a misconception
rather than civilization as we have being often told to called it. For the sake
of the topic before me. I will like to direct my thoughts and expressions to
the female gender of God’ creation as it relate to them being a wife (A lady
married to a man), and a single lady (A woman free from the covenant and
commitment of marriage).
It’s no news that due to the
advancement and civilization in our society today most present day married
women wishes to continue in their marriage with their husbands but yet wants
to be free from the commitment of the institution called marriage. Most of them wants to be seen posing in their
white dresses (Wedding gowns), but yet refuse to keep up with the
responsibilities of a
wife. As a matter
of fact, most present day ladies wouldn’t have a problem having a wedding
ceremony of their dream just for the excitement of being called (Mrs.) Even if
they know deep down in their heart that they don’t really want to be with the
set man.

On the other hand, some single women find it strange to
stay single as they would really want to due to the stigma our current society
has placed on being single as a lady. They struggle to believe that being single
as a lady is cool and has its benefits.
And because of the lack of celebration and acceptance of singlehood as
women in our current society most of them join themselves to men who
literally does nothing, but exploits and abuse and eventually derail their
destiny. Spiritually and also physically.
Wives, submit to your own husband, as is fitting in the Lord.
Colossians 3:18. (See 1 Peter 3:1, Ephesians 5:22).
Likewise, their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate,
faithful in all things. 1Timothy 3:11. ( see 1 Timothy 4:7, 2Timothy 2:16, Act 5:6-10, 1
Corinthians 7:2-10, Job 2:9, Proverb 12:4, Proverb 18:22, Proverb 19:13)
What are these qualities?
Before I start parading these
qualities before us can I at least give you a quick background of a Christian
A Christian wife is not that woman / sister,
who was born, raised and got married in the church. As a matter of truth, being born again as a wife doesn’t make you a Christian wife. A wife could be born again, speak in tongues and prophesy and even occasionally
or regularly cast out demons from another oppressed individual and still fall
short of the mark of being a Christian wife.
A Christian wife therefore is that
woman irrespective of age, complexion, size or societal status who
practice the principles and applies the scriptures in her dealings with firstly
her husband, and then her kids, and everyone around her within the
perimeters of her marriage..
To put it direct to you; a Christian wife act and
does not assume. See 1Timothy 5:9-10
1. Submission:
to Colossians 3:18 one quality of a Christian wife is the willingness to submit
to her own husband as unto the Lord. “As
unto the Lord” could be translated as; submitting to him even when his decisions
don’t make sense to you as a wife as long as it’s not against God’s ways. See
Act 5:6-10. Submission is not an easy
thing to do especially when you don’t have confidence in your husband’s
decisions as a wife, due to past experiences. But all the same as a Christian
wife it would do you great good to submit and pray to God about the issue than
to refuse to submit. A wise man once said to a lady struggling to submit to her
husband due to his consistency in making bad decisions for the family; submitting to your husband is like getting
out of the way so God can have a better view of him, and give him a good knock
for taking your act of submission for granted.
Respect :
Their wives must be reverent …
1Timothy 3:11
outstanding quality of a Christian wife is her reverence for her husband and
others. As a Christian wife, the quality of your reference for God is made
visible in the amount of reverence and respect you genuinely give to your
husband before people and in private. No matter how anointed, industrious,
intelligent and beautiful you are as a Christian wife, you can never worship
God rightly if you fail to respect and show reverence to your husband. Whether
he is rich or poor, dark or light in complexion it makes no difference.
A wife who
fails to respect his husband would not find it hard to disrespect others. Any
Christian woman who is fond of disrespecting others is guilty of lack of
reverence for her own husband in private. No matter how much she tries to
pretend to respect him in public.
3. Temperate
And A Faithfulness
excellent wife is the crown of her husband, But she who causes shame is like
rottenness in his bones Proverb 12:4 ( See Proverb 19:13b)
Nothing makes Christian
women standouts among other women like having a good temperament. As a
Christian wife one great gift you would ever give to your husband is your
ability to manage your temperament. Nothing embarrasses a man like a wife with a very bad temperament. Always fighting,
involving in one scandal after another. When there is conflict at your work ‘or
business place you are sure to be at the center of it.
Men generally see women
with bad temperaments as those who can not be trusted.
A Christian wife with a good temperament is
like a magnet to her husband.
A man finds it easy to confide in a wife with a
calm and stable temperament.
Men find solace and draws strength and courage
from a wife with a great temperament. To an unfaithful man, a woman with a
controlled temperament is like a coal of fire heaped on his conscience. Her
presence brings him to the judgment seat of his conscience always.
And being faithful is a non negotiable
quality of a Christian wife. Faithfulness to your husband, kids and your vision
as a team is like cold water offered to a man
wondering in a sun scorching desert. A wife who is faithful to her
husband and house hold never fails to win the trust, admiration of her
husband and kids. A lady or wife with a good temperament and faithfulness towards
her husband or God is a lady of excellence single or married.
The word crown
speaks of wisdom. And this qualifies her to be named among the wise.
Quality of a single sister
In conclusion I would want to make it very clear to
you that the qualities of a Christian single lady and that of Christian wife
are the same. And my reason for this conclusion is seen in the fact that every
Christian single lady is a potential Christian wife. When all Christian single ladies understand
this truth the temptation to wait to be married before displaying some of the
qualities of A Christian wife discussed in this article will not be necessary.
As we all would know, marriage does not create in us, male and female alike new
qualities we have not learned and practiced why living as singles. But on the contrary marriage amplifies the
qualities we already possess.
Therefore as Christian single lady who is searching
for scriptural principles in regards to the qualities mentioned here. I would
advise you to learn and master within the context of your single-hood the very
same scriptures and qualities discussed in this article for determining a
Christian wife.
Submission to God in every aspect of your life is one good quality that
distinguishes you as a Christian single. Being faithful to God, having
reverence for God and respect for the people around you, old and young.
As Christian single lady your level of faithfulness towards God is
directly proportional to the morality of the life you would lead both in private and
in the public. Therefore, I say to you
today, you don’t need to wait to be married before starting
to develop and live out these qualities in your life.
God bless you!