Breaking Boundaries is a non-profit organization, operated by a multicultural, multi-generational group. It started in 2010, as an outreach to both adults and youth against drug & alcohol abuse, prostitution, and the high rate of suicide within our communities. Our Vision at Breaking Boundaries: expresses the spirit behind the communities, where souls are nourished with the true word of God

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

The Act and Benefits of Hospitality

Genesis  18:3 And said, My LORD, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant:  18:4 Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree: (See Genesis 19:1-3)

Acts 10:4  And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord? And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God. (See Genesis 24:44)

Nothing sets a man up for divine visitation like the act of hospitality.

Hospitality is a principal commodity every individual who longs to encounter the extraordinary life in God must possess.

It opens the door for supernatural visitation.

Lot was not aware of the verdict against the city he was dwelling in at a time until his act of hospitality led him to host the same men on assignment to bring down the city.

Lot was not saved from the destruction of Sodom because he was a relative of Abraham, on the contrary he was saved because he loved hosting people, even when he had no knowledge of who they are. His gift of hospitality made a way of escape for him.

The act of hospitality is a key that opens any door irrespective of how hard the lock of that door may be. It’s a master key.

Rebekeh' act of hospitality qualified her to become the bride of Isaac, the covenant seed of Abraham. She was not picked by Abraham' servant because of her beauty. Her gift of hospitality set her apart from all the other ladies that came to the well to fetch water on that fateful day.

The act of hospitality before God is like a gift of atonement. It moves God into granting a special audience to a man / woman who practices it.

Hospitality is an avenue through which God grants the request of His children. Praying without being hospitable is a waste of time.

Being hospitable to a man of great means (physical or spiritual) is like placing  a magnet close to a metal object.

Hospitality is a tool by which one fetches water from a well of great substance .
Cornelius was a man of prayer, but also a man with a great act of hospitality.

Friends, do not get weary of being hospitable especially if you want to encounter strange visitations from God. The act of Hospitality has the power to draw virtue from the person we are hospitable to, even without him or her knowing. It’s a spiritual principle.

Prayer; Lord baptize me with the spirit of hospitality, teach me to learn how to be hospitable in whatever capacity You have grace me with. In Jesus name! 

Monday, 16 March 2015

The Dynamics of God's Will 2

And he went forward a little, and fell on his face, and prayed , saying My Father, if it be possible , let this cup pass away from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt. Matthew 26:39

Friends, the will of God is the entry level into His plans for our live.  God's will is what connect a man to His plans for his life.

Just like the physical will of a man, only the testator and the benefactor of it have the power to revoke it. Aside these two individual, any other interested parties can only challenge it. This explains why God' wills often ride on the wings of challenges.

The will of God cannot be ignored, it is received, refused by the one who is listed as a benefactor, or redrawn by it testator.

The will of God in a man' life calls him / her out of his or her  own plans irrespective of how promising this plans seems to be.

The will of God for our lives will always demand that we look up to Him for the ability to walk in it.

It is always bigger than that which we anticipated. It should cause us to run out of our own human ideas and introduce us to the supernatural ideas by the revelation from His word.

The only help God required of us to fulfill His will for our lives is submission. Submission to His leading,  His words.

The will of God for a man although acknowledges his effort but have no regards for his devices, this is why the best prayer one could ever pray in times of instability of the heart regarding any issue, just like Jesus, is "Your will be done".

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

The Dynamics of God's Will

And it came to pass, when they were come, that he looked on Eliab, and said , surely the LORD' anointed  is before Him.
But the LORD said unto Samuel , look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart
1Samuel 16:6-7

How often do we struggle to search out and accept God' will for our lives?
For most of us It’s easy to figure out His will than it is to live by it due to it contrast from what we actually want for our elves.

As believers in Christ we often struggle to understand the truth that, although God's will for our lives just like His blessing comes without sorrow, but not without challenges. So the first thing we want to do when faced with challenges while trying to follow God' will for our lives is to retreat.

Somehow, somewhere we have been schooled to believe that if its God' will there won't be any challenges. No, a thousand times no. The truth is God's will in any matter rides on the wings of challenges and as His children we need to be courageous enough to say to Him, LORD I do not want any quick fix from the world system. Therefore bring it on. Let Your will be done.

It was God's will for the disciples to cross over to the other side, but that didn’t stop the storm from raging against them.

It was Jesus' will for Peter to come to Him walking on water, but that didn’t make Jesus to cause the water under him to become ice so he could walk freely.
God's will requires us to keep our eyes on Him and that’s why it’s never fulfilled without the presence of challenges.

Jesus was sent by God to come redeem man from eternal damnation but not without the challenges of been ridiculed, spat on and crowned with thorns and ultimately crucified.
God's will, will never appeal to us until we learn to look at things from His point of view.
It will always be in contrast with what we want for ourselves because it’s from God and not from us.

God's will is our entry level into His plan and purpose for our lives. To live outside it, is to live outside His purpose for us.

It doesn’t matter how lucrative, beautiful your own plans are, if it’s out of God' will it will never have an expected end like God's will would for you.

Like the story of Jacob and his two wives. Most people, especially us as believers believe Rachel was God's will for Jacob, because she was fairer and more loved by him compared to Leah.

But the truth is, Leah was more of God's will for Him than Rachel was. Leah was to Jacob what the scripture says about us in Romans 8:28;
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose".

Rachel was more of God' permissive will for Jacob because of his love for her.

Prayer: LORD help me to understand and live by your will in every aspect of my live, even if it make no sense to me and those around me. Help me to lean more on your judgment in any situation I find myself above my perspective and that of the world.
In Jesus name!

Monday, 2 March 2015

Having Knowledge of the Times

1 Chronicles  12:32  And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.

What a blessing it is to live with the consciousness of the time and season we are in.
Every now again I have caught myself just thanking God, not for a new car, house or fat bank balance, but for just allowing me to be conscious of the time we are living in.

I don't know what actually gets most people excited, but one thing I know makes me very grateful to God is being able to discern the  time and season we are in.

This single act of God has made it possible for me to navigate through the challenges of life.  It has helped me to know how to channel my hurts, pains and at the same time excitement there, by allowing everything to work out for good according to His purpose.

Friends I believe that the worst thing that could happen to any child of God right now is to lose sense of the time and season we are in. It's worst than losing ones whole life investment.

Of what use it is to acquire a mansion in a city already marked for desolation? Of what use it is to gain the accolades of men when God has turned His back on you.

I want to challenge every one of you  to let go of whatever worries and cares that has been choking your spirit and focus on what God is saying and doing at this hour. Like the children of Issachar let's ask God to open our eyes to the reality of the times we are in.

Prayer; Lord teach me to understand the time we re in and inspire me to act according to Your will and purpose for my life according to the season. This I ask in Jesus' mighty name!