Breaking Boundaries is a non-profit organization, operated by a multicultural, multi-generational group. It started in 2010, as an outreach to both adults and youth against drug & alcohol abuse, prostitution, and the high rate of suicide within our communities. Our Vision at Breaking Boundaries: expresses the spirit behind the communities, where souls are nourished with the true word of God

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Music The Brush Of A Delibrate Atrist

              Music The Brush Of A Deliberate Artist


Now when you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipes and all kinds of music, if you are ready to fall down and worship the image I made, very good. But if you do not worship it you will be thrown immediately into a blazing furnace. Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?  (Daniel 3:15 NIV)

(See 2kings 3:14-16)

Music is one powerful aspect of life most of us living in the world today are probably going to look at and pay less attention to. The truth is it’s a way of life just like worship.  Worship and music are linked. No one can separate them even if we all try to.

 Music is so powerful that it influences  the emotions of men.  Although most music are composed by song writers as a result of an incident or circumstances , but there’s no music put together with out a purpose or should I say motive.  For every music there’s a spirit behind it. Music is nothing but the brush of a deliberate artist.  It paints a picture, negative or positive depends on the intentions, and  nature of the artist (spirit / Spirit) behind it.

As harmless as music seems to come across to many of us it’s so powerful that it causes us to bow our heads in worship to whatever deity it is been dedicated to. 

When we speak of worship most times we only think of the word; bowing down or prostrating in the literal sense before an image or person. But worship is deeper than that. It’s a way of life and often times the music we listen to influences our choices of what we eventually worship as suppose to what we claim to pay obeisance to.  Music like I said, is the brush of a deliberate artist. It has the ability to paint an image in the heart and mind of it listener so much so that he or she begins to gravitate towards acting out the image painted by the music in the mind. 

It’s impossible for someone to lead a life any different from the intention of the artist (spirit/ Spirit) behind the music he or she listens to. Music is a way of life, so also is worship.

Music has the ability to alter a man’s mind and control the emotions of a person, swaying it towards the intentions of the artist ( spirit / Spirit)  behind it. As such it's not just the combination of sounds that is pleasant to the ears but also a mechanism deliberately constructed to move one towards a particular direction of worship.

The subtlety of music is so great that it can play it way into the mind of an individual with out him /her realizing it. I have caught myself in different occasions singing songs I knew I do never intentionally listen to only to realize that I heard it played out loud while passing through a particular music outlet.

In altering the curse of life the music we listen to is as important as the words we sow into our lives. There is something about the text in Daniel 3:15 that is true about the influence music has over the soul of a man.  I realize that the king in order to get the people to voluntarily bow down to the image he had set up ,  added music to the process of getting  them to worship his image  (Idol).

The three Hebrew boys mentioned in this scripture were able to figure this out because they had a close relationship with God. I want to believe that there were  other men and women from the Hebrew clan who fell face flat in response to the music and worshiped the king’s image, an act they wound not have find so easy to perform without the help of the music playing in the background.  The same image this particular three Hebrew boys refused to bow down and worshiped.

Music (the wrong music) has the ability to set the desire of our soul so high that it systematically disengage our spiritual sensors as believers there by putting us in a space where we find our selves conforming to the worldly desire of our heart above God’s will and purpose for our  lives. This same truth can be said to be true when we listen to the right music. 

 Nothing console the soul of a man to the point where he or she becomes a wiling party in making decisions that are contrary to the Spirit of God living inside of him /her like the wrong music does .  Music helps open up the soul of a man and set his /her heart ready to receive a deposit of whatever the lyrics of the song listening to has install according to the nature of the artist (spirit / Spirit behind it). It steers us into worshiping something we would  ordinarily not pay attention to.      

Why we may unintentionally stumble into some wrong (genre), and lyrics of  music we must have it in mind that the artist behind it was deliberate in penning and composing it and as such should  also take deliberate action in deleting them from our memories.     

One lie we should never give in to is that of the one often made mention of; ” its just a music and, it does not matter”.

Music is so powerful that it facilitate the reception process of power from an external source into the spirit of  a man , there by enabling him to access to its full capacity a realm that lies within his / her spirit. Something in a normal circumstance he wouldn’t be able to do. 

That music you re listening to is more than the combination of sounds (lyrics and rhythm), it has been put together by an artist to either inspire you to be all God has made you to be or better still to reduce you spiritually using your soul as a channel to drain you of every spiritual capacity God has place in your spirit.  

Be careful what you listen to because music is definitely the brush of a deliberate artist and no artist paint a picture without an intention or purpose. Every painting has a story behind it. Never listen to a song with out a knowledge of it intention and the artist (spirit/ Spirit) behind the artist.

God bless you!

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