Breaking Boundaries is a non-profit organization, operated by a multicultural, multi-generational group. It started in 2010, as an outreach to both adults and youth against drug & alcohol abuse, prostitution, and the high rate of suicide within our communities. Our Vision at Breaking Boundaries: expresses the spirit behind the communities, where souls are nourished with the true word of God

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Where are You

Recently I found myself asking so many questions as to why our society is full of men and women who are spiritually dead due to the darkness of their heart.

I mean the frequency of crime seems to be escalating  with each day passing. I know  as a people of faith we should learn to always  speak positively, especially when the situation looks out of our control. But I have come to realize  that positive confessions without  the identification and the dealing of the root cause of a problem would not automatically cause the problem to disappear. Apart from the killings and protesting taking place in almost every part of the word, there’s the issue of  intolerance when it comes to the things of God. 

Sadly as believers, we are not any different from those in the world as our intolerance for the things and ways of God could be seen and even felt by the very people we ‘re supposed to be ministering  the love and saving grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to. Many of us are so pre-occupied with the idea of being successful financially and academically that we have all the excuses in the world as to why we should  be excused from being involved in fellowship with God daily. But sadly to say, this reality has placed us in the same position Adam and Eve once found themselves in according Genesis 3.

The truth is, Adam and Eve didn’t deliberately walked out on God. No, they were deceived by Satan and until they discovered that they’ were naked they didn’t realize that
They were being tricked. Just like most of us today, they thought they were actually trying to improve themselves. After all, the fruit was good to behold, and not only that it was good, it also tasted nice. And to make it even better, it promises to make them have the knowledge of God. Wow, What a temptation!
Friends, the challenges faced in our society today is  as a result of  collective selfishness. And to make it right, we all need to answer this particular question; where are you? The same question God asked the man when He came looking for him after he had disobeyed Him. 

Until we all deliberately  return to God’s presence the issue of crime in our society will not be solved. It doesn’t matter a much awareness we raise on the issues on our social media pages. It’ doesn’t matter how many NGOs we establish to combat these crimes, we will never win the fight unless we return to His presence. The men in our society needs to get back to God’s presence, the women needs to do the same.  Our kids also must be taught how to seek God’ presence above everything else in their lives.

I love the way the author of the 16th Psalm puts it. “ you make known to me the path of life; in your presence there’s fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore”. (ESV).  This was  God’s reply to me as  I consider the present state of our society. Firstly, He asked me; where are you guys? Any man or woman who live in My presence cannot hurt his or her  fellow man. But a man outside  my presence is as dangerous as a bear robbed of her cub.

To put it plainly; an unsaved soul or a man outside God’s presence is a serious danger to members of his community, notwithstanding how good his / her intentions are. The reason this is so is because outside the presence of God we all are open to the manipulation of the one whose job is to kill, steal and destroy (See John 10:10).   

Unfortunately due to the emphasis on success and the way it’s being defined within the present society. Many of us have left His presence in pursuit for success and this is the reason for the challenges faced today. The only remedy would be for us to go back to His presence. The church needs to start emphasising the need for both men and women to return to fellowship. Every believer should begin to ask themselves; where Am I? because that’s the same question God is asking us today.

Where are you?