Breaking Boundaries is a non-profit organization, operated by a multicultural, multi-generational group. It started in 2010, as an outreach to both adults and youth against drug & alcohol abuse, prostitution, and the high rate of suicide within our communities. Our Vision at Breaking Boundaries: expresses the spirit behind the communities, where souls are nourished with the true word of God

Thursday, 31 December 2015

The Dawning of 2016

There are many plans in a man's heart, Nevertheless the LORD's counsel that will stand. Proverb 19:21
But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore if anyone cleanse himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. 2Timothy 2:20-21

It's that time of the year again! I'm sure just like me, you are feeling very positive about the upcoming  year 2016.
Perhaps some of you have started writing down some new year' resolutions.
Do you want to know what I think about 2016? I will tell you;It's the year of the LORD!
Oh yeah, so much the year of the Lord, just as 2015 is, was and would always be.
And don’t get me wrong. Me saying “it is the year of the Lord is not as a result of a revelation gotten from God”, but on the contrary, based on my knowledge of the fact that each day in the year 2016 is the day that the Lord has made. Just like He made the days in 2015.

You will agree with me that if the days in 2016 belongs to God, it’s not rocket science to figure out that the entirety of the year 2016 also belongs to Him.
If the above line of thoughts are correct and true, of which I know they are. Then I will like to channel your attention towards something I believe everyone of us should be focusing on at this time of the year.

And that is; How to be used by God in whatever ways He seems fit in 2016.
I believe in resolutions. I believe in writing down goals and aspirations for the future, but the only challenge I seems to be facing lately is my inability to write down for myself goals that God has not really asked me to, or aspirations that seems to be the total opposite of what God has ordained for me from the foundation of the earth.

This is one reason I believe that the year 2016 is my year of the wonders of God' word!

The last time I checked with Him, He instructed me to give a voice to His word, by "responding to the world with the word"

Just like me, I believe so many of you are wondering what you are going to tag your 2016. Just some advice; call it the same name as the assignment God has given to you when He saved you.
Call it what He had purposed for you to do with Him here on earth. When you do this, you will discover a fresh zeal to pursue His call for your life.
Haven said so much, let me leave you with two practical ways to be used by God.
1. Purge yourself of the latter.2Timothy 2:21.

The latter could be anything. It could be your lukewarmness towards His word. It could be a bad habit or character such as strife, spiritual laxity, etc. The latter constitute of anything  that hinders us from entering into the fullness of our assignment with Him.

2. Laying hold of the very thing for which Jesus laid hold on you.Philippians 3:12
In the issue of been used by God. Laying hold of the very thing for which God laid hold of you is key. To be called  or saved is one thing, but finding out why we are called (saved) is a different ball game.

As simple as this may sound, it’s one thing that distinguished the successful from the unsuccessful In every plains of life.
Friends, if 2016 must be of any significance in our lives. We must have to purge our selves of the latter. If we must achieve all that God has purposed for us in the upcoming year, we must discover and lay hold of the very thing for which Christ Jesus laid hold on us.

God bless you, and I wish all of you a blissful 2016!

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

It's the Kings Birthday

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.Luke 2:7.

We are in the greatest season in the history of the human race.
It's the season of the birthday of our King. The author of the life you are enjoying right now.
I know most people have their own theory in regards to the months and date of the birth of Our King, Jesus. But I choose to go with what the scripture advises.  Which is;  from the mouth of two or three witnesses let any matter be established

The issue of "Christmas" being celebrated on December 25th as oppose to October/ September according to some other school of thoughts is something that should never cause us to relent in our quest to truly show how much we appreciate the Gift of God to mankind. Especially after more than three believers has agreed for it to be celebrated on this very day.
Let’s make a serious issue about it by going all out in celebrating the Saviour of the whole world.

Just the thought of God coming down to us in a quest to reconcile us back to Him is enough reason to throw Him the biggest birthday party we could ever afford as individuals.
It's with this excitement I would want to suggest that you make Him proud in all you do as we celebrate our King.

Irrespective of your status or situation, make sure you do not talk yourself into having a passive Christmas. It's the birthday of our King, and I'm sure He would love to see you celebrate it with Him in whatever little way you can.

Let’s tweet about it. Let’s hashtag it and lets go wild on social media celebrating it without been apologetic to anyone.

It's the birthday of The King of kings.

Have a Merry Christmas!