Stop Asking God for things you
do not intent to use as worship unto Him;
It may interest you
to know that some of us ask things from God so we could use it to cause others to
live in strive, jealousy and even to prove a point to someone who we see as a fellow
competitor. Even if someone close or around you seems to be provoking you like
Hannah’s mate, Peninnah did to her (See 1 Samuel 1:6) you do not have the
liberty to seek things from God to pay back your enemies. God has and will
always be the avenger for His children. What we could do is to ask God to
avenge Himself by granting us our request according to His will so that they
could be shut up. When a request is motivated by worship for /to God the reply
is suddenly.
Learn the discipline of giving
back to God in worship that you re asking of Him.
There’s something peculiar
about people who knows how to ask effectively and that is, they have develop a
strong heart for gratitude.
A heart that has no problem offering back to
God in worship that which he / she has
earnestly seek of Him. I must admit that I have often failed in this aspect. I have
seen men aside the ones recorded in scriptures who have this wonderful
attribute. I’m reminded of the likes of late Kathryn Khulman, a wonderful woman
of God who God used to do extra ordinary things in her time.
She had a prayer
line that always amazes me every time I listen to her tapes while she prays.
She hardly ends a prayer without the line “And I promise to give You all the
glory”. The lack of this kind of heart of gratitude towards God could be said
to be a reason for most of the delay we encounter while asking.
Hannah in her
petition according to first Samuel chapter one verse eleven displayed this same
attribute. While petitioning God for a male child she made a vow to Him and
said if You grant this request of mine I will give him back to You in worship.
And true to her word she did.
Many of us had in
time past made similar vows and promises to God but never kept them. We didn’t
keep to our promises not because we re not able to, but because we never
intended to in the first place. And God knew and granted us our request in
those instances to show us who we truly are. And this is while some other
things we re asking Him for are still pending because He is aware that unless
we develop the heart to give them back to Him in worship what we re asking of
Him has the ability to destroy us if left to us without submitting them to Him
in worship.
are much more ways of praying effectively, but until we master these few mention
here lets not even bother going any
further in a quest to learn the rest of them.
prayer I will really want to encourage you to pray right now is; “LORD help me
to discipline my self to pray effectively”.
motivates God into responding to our request like when we have come to a place
where all our hearts long for is His will for our lives. When our hearts are
right towards God our asking anything from Him automatically become effective.
Men has mastered the act of praying without having any intention of turning
their heart over to God in worship God has also learn to bear the act of watching
them suffers from spending more than the required time necessary to receive answers from Him when they pray to
bless you.