must have been a time when you noticed something wrong with your computer, you
shrugged it off. The little cursor arrow began jumping around on your screen
when you were trying to move it. But then the problems became more troubling.
The computer turned off and restarted again- without permission. Error messages
popped up on the screen. Finally the computer programs slowed to the point that
you could not get work done. You work on it but keep failing to fix it.
Eventually you take the laptop to a technician. He performs diagnostics tests
and found over 100 viruses. The computer
was totally infected and could not be cleaned up- it was beyond
Adam and Eve first sinned in the Garden of Eden, they infected the human race
with sin (Romans 5:12). Since then, every person born on earth has been infected
with the “sin virus” and we spread it to others. Our nature and our actions are
polluted with sin so that, left to ourselves, we have no hope of dealing with
our sin problem.
Romans 3, Paul reveals how deep the problem of sin is. It impacts our morality
our minds, and our mouths. It fills our hearts with murderous thoughts and makes
us miserable.
we can’t save ourselves, then God must act. His holy perfect nature demands
justice. He cannot allow the guilt and pollution of sin to spread unchecked. He
must take action against that which distorts and destroys His creation. He must
take action against that which breaks His law- otherwise He would be a negligent
is where the gospel makes all sense. If we are still imagining we are only
slightly bothered by sin and able to save ourselves then we have no reason to
trust the gospel-we can just try harder and eventually save ourselves. But if we
are spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1) and unable to do anything to save
ourselves, then no one but God Himself can help us. By subsisting Jesus, the
sinless Son of God, for us, God’s justices is satisfied.
problem of what that awful soul-virus, the guilt and pollution of sin, is also
solved because we are united to Christ (Galatians 3:26-28) and given access to
all the blessings given to Him by the Father- including His perfect, righteous,
holy standing before God. This grave problem of life-sapping sin can only be
solved by the death of Christ
Still Hungry? Isaiah 5:16, Romans 2:2, Ephesians 3:6, Galatians 3: 26-28, Ephesians 3:6